Best shampoo for hair fall

Every hair is beautiful and deserves to be healthy. Whether your hair is straight, curly, or wavy, taking care of hair is as much important as taking care of our skin. But we all suffer from hair issues such as thinning of hair, hair fall, split ends, frizz, dullness due to pollution, stress, improper diet, medications, etc. Although treating these tell-tale hair concerns is an easy task. All you have to do is follow a healthy hair care routine, and integrate the basic tips experts swear by, and achieve shiny and healthy locks.
It is said that 50-100 hair strands falling in a day are normal but more than that is a concern. First, let’s know the causes of hair fall.
- Deficiency of nutrients: If you are facing hair fall, it is a possibility that there is a nutritional deficiency in your body and your diet is missing the necessary nutrients such as copper, iron, proteins, Vitamin D, and zinc that are essential for keeping your hair healthy. To avoid this, get necessary tests done, understand your deficiencies, consult a doctor and start with your supplements and necessary diet and health plan.
- Medical conditions and Hormonal Imbalance: Several conditions can lead to hair fall, which also includes some medical conditions such as thyroid, PCOD, pregnancy, menopause, childbirth, alopecia areata, etc. or the change in the level of estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone which is mainly known as hormonal imbalances.
- Stress: There are never-ending reasons for stress. Challenges in the job, stressful financial conditions, personal life, etc. All these factors can cause insomnia, headaches, and fatigue and affect our immune system due to which one can suffer from sudden hair loss.
- Heat, Hairstyles, and treatments: Who doesn’t love to style their hair? Straightening, coloring, curling, beach waves, and sleek-tight hairstyles can change your whole look but heat styling your hair regularly and without using any hair serums or heat protectants can cause hair fall.
- Supplements: Hair fall could be a side effect of certain medications, such as arthritis, cancer, thyroid, heart problem, depression, and high blood pressure.
How to Control Hair Fall
- Keep your scalp clean: Washing hair on alternate days will not allow oil and sebum to accumulate on the scalp. Oil and sebum can make your strands weak and it leads to hair fall, dandruff and could increase the risk of scalp infection too. By scheduled washing, you can reduce hair fall by keeping your scalp and hair clean. And for this, you should choose best shampoo for hair fall and conditioner that is recommended by dermatologists to control hair fall. Moreover, when the scalp is clean it gives more volume to the hair.
- Be gentle with hair: Use a wide-toothed comb to avoid knots and tugging while combing and brushing your hair. Do not comb when your hair is wet because hair is in its weakest state when it is wet. Combing wet hair can weaken your stand and may break your hair. Be gentle and delicate while brushing. First, you can use your fingers to untangle your hair, then you can comb your hair
- Avoid heat products: Harsh hair treatments such as hair straighteners, curling rods, hot rollers, and hot oil treatments increases your risk of hair fall and can make your scalp oily. To reduce hair breakage and to keep your scalp healthy, try to avoid heat treatment regularly. Also, limit the knots of rubber bands and avoid high and tight high ponytails and braids.
- Healthy Diet: Consuming a diet rich in nutrients, and vitamins are not only good for a healthy body but also good for healthy hair. Intake of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and Vitamin E, regulates the production of sebum in the scalp, promotes blood circulation, reduces hair loss, and promotes healthy hair.
- De-stressing yourself: Stress leads to hair fall. Try to de-stress your mind by meditating and doing yoga. The regular routine of meditation and yoga will not only relax your mind and reduce your stress but also maintains your hormonal balance
- Check your medication: Hair fall could be a side effect of certain medications you are taking. You should visit a doctor and should consult about your medications and hair fall
- Avoid chemical treatment: Permanent hair styling, hair color, and harsh chemicals damage your hair a lot. When you have hair fall concerns, it is suggested not to provide your hair with chemical treatments. It will lead to more hair breakage.